Life at IAB
Quality of life
The IAB is fully committed to improving the Quality of Life at Work (QWL). Since 2017, under the impetus of management, a «QWL» working group comprising volunteer members of the administrative, technical, student and research staff has been set up. The QWL group's mission is to ensure active monitoring and listening, as well as to propose actions for the prevention and remediation of Psycho-Social Risks.
Health and Safety
For several years now, the IAB has been committed to improving health and safety in its laboratories. Supported by IAB management, and led by a center prevention officer, the IAB has a very dynamic network of Prevention Assistants (PAs) who help to improve health and safety conditions on a daily basis. In addition to the prevention assistants, the IAB trains specialists in its particular risks: laser safety referents, radiation protection specialists, containment laboratory referents.
The main tasks of prevention staff are:
- Assessing the risks present in the laboratory and proposing an action plan;
- Advising managers at different levels (director, team leaders, supervisors) on prevention issues;
- Raising awareness and training staff in risk prevention;
- Analysis of incidents and accidents occurring within the institute;
In addition, we encourage every employee to get involved in this mission by giving them the means to take action to improve their working conditions.
Scientific animation
The IAB offers a regular program of scientific events, open to all its members and to the outside scientific community.
All team members are strongly encouraged to attend these conferences and spread the word.

Every Tuesday morning at 11am, the IAB welcomes experts invited by team members to present their research. The program is announced to all by e-mail and on the home of website.

Every Friday at 1pm, the PhD Students Committee organizes seminars where PhD students, M2 students and team researchers give short presentations on the progress of their work.
The PhD Students Committee [Link] (IPSC - IAB PhD Students Committee) is made up of PhD students advised by regular researchers. Created by and for students, the PhD Students Committee contributes to the dynamism of scientific exchanges within the IAB, and aims to train young researchers in scientific communication while integrating them into the world of academic research. The committee also organizes afterworks and the Institute's annual barbecue.

The PhD Students Committee also organizes an annual Topic Day: this brings together researchers and specialists invited by the Theses Committee, and features presentations, debates and events around an original theme chosen by the Committee.
In 2022, the Topic Day theme was: Science, Society and Communication.

The Biotechnology Committee, founded and managed by IAB technical staff, organizes seminars every two months, with the aim of transferring expertise, sharing the Institute's state-of-the-art equipment and introducing innovative technologies . Its objective is also to involve other local institutes in order to facilitate collaborations.
The Biotechnology Committee is a place for discussion, exchange and sharing that is open to the entire scientific community.
If you would like to participate or discuss a particular technique at an upcoming seminar, or have any other suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
The IAB is committed to and participates in the running of scientific clubs, which bring together a wide range of Grenoble's research players around shared themes. Each club develops its own program of activities and regular seminars.
Collective Intelligence
The IAB encourages and supports direct participation in decision-making and collective intelligence, notably by setting up thematic working groups, open to all. These groups report to the Board of Directors. They meet regularly with the aim of collectively finding ways to improve the life of the IAB on specific subjects.
Group | Missions |
Space Group |
Counselling about IAB/office/storage spaces, collection of IAB agents needs and proposals to the IAB Direction |
Sustainable development group (GREEN) |
Driving the ecological and energy transition Staff awareness and implementation of actions to reduce our impact on the planet |
Quality of Life at Work group (QWL) |
Preventing Psycho-Social Risks Help and support, confidential listening, orientation, social integration |
Microcell User Group (MUG) |
Discussion forum among Microcell platform users, concertation on platform service offer, cost models and developments |
Budget group |
Preparing the annual budget forecast |
Equipment and Technology (PROSPEQ) |
Management of IAB equipment: maintenance, demonstrations and acquisition of new technologies |
Web group |
Website and intranet development, data protection |
Parity & Equity in Research (GrouPER) |
Reflections, awareness and actions on gender and diversity balance issues in research: surveys, information campaigns, initiatives |
Quality policy
On 19 May 2017, the Iab's management affirmed its desire to implement a quality approach in a letter of commitment sent to all the Institute's staff.
The stakes of the quality approach are multiple:
- Controlling scientific, technical and economic performance
- Maintaining the resources necessary for competitive research at national and international level
- Societal expectations
- Attractiveness
- Sustainability of knowledge and skills
- Controlling the risks of research activities
The RMQ leads the Iab's quality unit, is trained in quality management and the ISO 9001 V2015 standard, which specifies the requirements of a quality management system, organises the quality approach, manages quality documentation, draws up continuous improvement plans, and ensures the deployment of tools to monitor and trace results.