Grenoble Metabolomics and Lipidomics for Health
The GEMELI platform offers services and collaborative developments in metabolomics, lipidomics and fluxomics for biomedical research and biotechnology.
GEMELI comprises 3 technical facilities combining state-of-the-art Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Mass Spectrometry (MS) equipments and the complementary expertise of the IAB and TIMC laboratories in the fields of NMR metabolomics & lipidomics (NMR facility), MS lipidomics and fluxomics (Apicolipid), and MS metabolomics (GExiM).
The platform offers expertise in the following R&D areas:
- discovery and validation of diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for translational clinical research and precision medicine;
- high-throughput molecular phenotyping of populations;
- identification of target metabolic pathways, for example for the development of innovative treatments (for infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, etc.);
- non-targeted study of cellular metabolism, metabolic fluxes and real-time quantification of metabolism, applicable in fundamental and translational research;
- pharmaco-metabolic/lipidomic analysis in the various phases of drug development.
The development of the platform is supported by the IRICE program of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region.
The platform is labeled IBISA.

Centers of expertise
Our NMR facility provides a unique combination of top-of-the-art equipment and expertise in fundamental NMR methodological developments for high-throughput metabolomics applications. This axis is led by Dr. Benedicte Elena-Herrmann (IAB).
The Apicolipid facility provides a unique setup for tageted and untargeted high-throughput lipidomics & metabolite flux analysis within a dedicated P3* facility at our Jean-Roget site. This axis is led by Dr. Cyrille Botté (IAB).
The GExIM facility is a University-Hospital technological structure (UGA and CHUGA) centered on MS metabolomics for clinical research. This axis is led by Dr. Audrey Le Gouellec (TIMC).